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Amplified Planning


Professional development for financial planners.
Done differently.

Learn from Hannah Moore, CFP®  

Hannah is recognized as one of the nation’s top financial planners and a leader in education and training for financial planners.

Learn from Hannah Moore, CFP®  

Hannah is recognized as one of the nation’s top financial planners and a leader in education and training for financial planners.

Get the resources and guidance to improve your financial planning skills

(and your confidence)

What do you get every month inside Amplified Planning CORE? 

Financial planning is not cut and dry. 

Real clients come to us with dynamic problems and overlapping concerns. Helping them is hard work.

Twilight Trailblazer
Daytime Devotee
Naptime Navigator

Real financial planning is equal parts messy and fulfilling. It requires us to be at the top of our game, and it demands that we be as good at listening as we are at advising.

Professional development at Amplified Planning is different. 

We create courses anchored by real client meetings. We assign experience elements to get you thinking like a top planner. And we welcome you into an engaged community of fellow planners.

Come for the training.

Stay for the community.

Each of our courses includes forums where we ask our members (a.k.a. Amplifiers) to engage. How would you answer that client concern? How would you handle the curve ball the clients just threw? 

In regular community forum posts, we pose relevant questions and ask members to answer, engage and learn from each other. The community of Amplifiers is among the most valuable networks for financial planners.

Amplified Planning CORE 

Engage with the community, gain valuable CFP Board Standard Pathway experience hours, join role-playing exercises, hear from mentors, and change the way we do financial planning.

Access the entire Amplified Planning CORE Library:
35+ professional development courses where you can earn 1,500+ CFP Board experience hours.


In each course, you will:

As an Amplifier, your other benefits include:

Why should YOU become an Amplfier?

The one thing that ties all our Amplifiers together? They have a desire to become a better financial planner and to build their skillset and confidence — so they can better serve their clients.

We have

big dreams for you

And for the profession

Keep in touch for tips to amplify your career and best serve your clients!